Meshchersky Science and Technology Center
  • +7 (910) 502-30-13 Moscow, Dubininskaya street 57, st. 1 office 214. Buisness-center «Brent-City»
The company performs high-quality geological surveys in strict compliance with regulatory documents and project schedule.
Company MSTC provides quick and affordable engineering and environmental surveys for construction purposes in Russia.
Our environmental analytical laboratory enables us to implement chemical analysis of atmospheric air, water and soil.

Services of company

Certification of workplaces Certification of workplaces
Workplace labour conditions compliance certification is carried out  in the organizations, assessing  labour conditions. It is necessary to conduct certification of workplaces at enterprises of any legal structure, revealing dangerous and harmful wor...
Environmental monitoring Environmental monitoring
Environmental monitoring is a complex of observations of environment condition, including assessment and forecast of environmental changes caused by both human and nature factors. We examine water, soil, forest, atmosphere and biota. Aims of environm...
Environmental audit Environmental audit
Meshchersky Science and Technology Center carries out environmental audits for business entities, subsoil users and manufacturer. Environmental audit is an independent expert examination and assessment of environmental activity by a whole enterprise ...
Topography, land surveying and land management Topography, land surveying and land management
Land surveying allows you to determine the area and location of the land plot, as well as to establish, consolidate and restore the boundaries of the land. Meshchersky Science and Technology Center employs well-trained and experienced specialists. We...
Topographic survey of the land plot Topographic survey of the land plot
Topographic survey of the land plot is a complex range of works. The first step is a site-plan examination and outlining a scope of work. Next thing is land surveying with precise geodesic equipment. Then we make a topographic plan, a digital model o...
Cadastral surveying of a land plot Cadastral surveying of a land plot
A word ‘cadastre’ came from French and means a list of something. Cadastral surveying consists in collecting of information and preparing of land-use papers, including detailed description of an object for rights registration. Cadastral works require...
Land surveying Land surveying
Land surveying is a land management and town-planning works to restore, establish, change, and formalize land plots boundaries as a real property. It requires a range of works to locate the boundaries and calculate the area of a land plot. Moreover, ...
Land management Land management
Land management is a range of works consisting in land condition analysis, location description, planning and arranging of rational land use, as well as its protection. Land management also includes demarcation and arranging of rational land use by l...