Meshchersky Science and Technology Center
  • +7 (910) 502-30-13 Moscow, Dubininskaya street 57, st. 1 office 214. Buisness-center «Brent-City»
The company performs high-quality geological surveys in strict compliance with regulatory documents and project schedule.
Company MSTC provides quick and affordable engineering and environmental surveys for construction purposes in Russia.
Our environmental analytical laboratory enables us to implement chemical analysis of atmospheric air, water and soil.

Certification of workplaces

Home>Services of company>Certification of workplaces

Workplace labour conditions compliance certification is carried out  in the organizations, assessing  labour conditions. It is necessary to conduct certification of workplaces at enterprises of any legal structure, revealing dangerous and harmful workplace factors.  MSTC Company performs activities which result in the organization of working conditions in conformity with the national statutory requirements for labour safety.

During preparing for workplace labour conditions compliance certification a list of all workplaces is composed and dangerous and harmful workplace factors are revealed. The aim is to define the actual values of these parameters. Based on the date collected during certification process dangerous and harmful workplace factors are also assessed.

The procedure for workplace certification:

  • Time setting for workplace certification
  • Concluding of the contract
  • Composing of a workplace list according to the staff list
  • Composing of a workplace chart
  • Actual measurements at workplaces
  • Processing of workplace certification results
  • Composing of an end of assignment report

The events subject to unscheduled work during workplace certification:

  • Change of the technological process
  • Replacement of production equipment
  • Detection of violations of workplace certification by state authorities
  • Change of collective protection equipment and others

Workplace certification is carried out by Meshchersky Science and Technology Center in any region of the Russian Federation.


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